
  • In Jesus, we see God most clearly. There is no hidden God that sits behind the incarnated word that walked through ancient Palestine. Therefore, we embrace the peaceable way of Jesus as the starting point for our theological reflection, and we read everything in Scripture through the lens of Jesus.

    This commitment to peace is not passive, though; it is an active posture of peacemaking in our thoughts and prayers, our relationships, and our neighbourhoods. Our careers and creativity, our families and friendships, our resources and talent–all of these–are part of how we join God in his renewal project. We believe that our work, our purchases, our politics, and our conversations must breathe with the peace of Christ.

  • At Valley Road, we value Gathering together.

    We know that as we gather on Sunday mornings, or in houses throughout the week, or in the coffee shops with a friend that Jesus is central in those moments.
    What we don't want to do is neglect meeting together on Sunday mornings. On Sundays we celebrate the family that is Valley Road Church by reading the scriptures, praying together and discussing our lives and celebrating the Eucharist by joining around the Lords Table.

    We cannot neglect meeting together so that we can be encouraged to go and be present and active in our community and join what God is already doing.

  • Welcoming is the practice of receiving into our homes and lives the “other.” Welcoming is an extension of gathering wherein we open hearts, in vulnerability, to one another. Welcoming is a disruptive practice. People who are welcoming insert themselves into fear, contempt, and dissonance, providing spaces of peace and hospitality. Instead of elevating hostility, the practice of welcoming disrupts the tide of anger with grace.

  • We recognize a need to rediscover the beautiful, dangerous, compelling idea that a group of people filled with the Spirit of Christ can transform society. God does not want to save us from the world but rather calls us into his world, where the lonely are invited into family and the isolated are brought into community.

    We are always looking for ways for our lives to intersect grace. This can mean a multitude of things: hospitality, listening, serving, announcing the Kingdom, or simply pointing out where Jesus is present in our neighbourhoods— but it starts with the confidence that God is doing something here and now through his spirit in the world and through his spirit in us.

  • We believe that to honour our place in the story while rooting ourselves in the tradition of the church; we must actively engage in the ongoing dialogue of faith. For us, treating the Bible with dignity means doing the rigorous theological work of bringing the scriptures into conversation with our time and place. Hard questions, apparent paradox, and our essential inability to completely comprehend the divine are all part of the journey of faith.

    We want to speak directly to those who are interested in Jesus but believe the church has retreated into an anti-intellectual posture. We want to embrace those who are interested in Jesus but believe the church has been too slow to adapt to changing social constructs. We want to welcome those who are interested in Jesus but are struggling to understand how to read, interpret and trust the Bible in honest ways.

Inclusion and Justice

  • At Valley Road Church, we believe that every person is created in the image of God. Yet, we recognize that not everyone is treated with the dignity and equality they deserve. As part of our calling to join in the renewal of all things, we are committed to seeking greater racial justice, reconciliation, and creating a level ground for all people.

    We are in the early stages of learning what this important work will look like within our community. We invite you to join us on this journey. If you have any suggestions, ideas, or experiences to share, we would love to hear from you.

  • Valley Road Church’s Approach to LGBTQIA2s+ Inclusion and Community

    As our society continues to engage more deeply with LGBTQIA2s+ issues and diverse expressions of sexuality, the question often arises: Where does Valley Road Church stand? Are we affirming or non-affirming of the LGBTQ+ community and non-traditional sexual identities? This is a complex question, and here’s how we approach it:

    1. Acknowledging Past Harm

    We begin by recognizing that the Church has often failed those who identify as LGBTQ+ or who exist outside of traditional sexual norms. Too frequently, the response from the Church has been one of exclusion, judgment, and condemnation, rather than the love, mercy, and compassion that Christ calls us to extend. We acknowledge this failure and commit to the ongoing work of repair and reconciliation.

    2. Embracing Complexity

    At Valley Road Church, we resist a binary, either/or approach to spirituality and community. The journey of faith is complex, encompassing a diversity of lifestyles, beliefs, and ways of being. We believe that Christian community is about holding these complexities in a space of grace and love, rather than oversimplifying or excluding.

    3. The Third Way Philosophy

    We embrace what we call a “Third Way” philosophy. Often, the discussion around LGBTQ+ inclusion is framed as a choice between Hospitality—welcoming all people regardless of their background—or Holiness—upholding certain beliefs and practices. We reject the notion that these are mutually exclusive.

    Our Third Way seeks to embody both radical hospitality and a sincere (though imperfect) commitment to personal holiness. The Gospels teach us about the radical welcome of Christ, who opened His arms to all, especially those who were different or marginalized. At the same time, we are called to entrust every aspect of our lives to Christ, pursuing personal holiness as we grow in our faith.

    4. LGBTQ+ Inclusion and Participation

    At Valley Road Church, we welcome everyone, including those who identify as LGBTQ+, to be full members of our congregation. We believe that each person’s unique gifts and perspectives are valuable to our community.

    When we gather for communion at Valley Road Church, we often say, "We practice an open table; all who desire more of Christ are welcome." This reflects our Third Way approach. If you are sincerely seeking to follow Christ, you are welcome here.

    Ongoing Dialogue and Learning

    We are committed to continually learning and exploring our Third Way philosophy. We invite our church community to join us in this dialogue. Throughout the year, we engage with these topics through guest speakers, discussions, book studies, film nights, and other events. We approach this with an open, learning posture and welcome you to explore with us.

  • At Valley Road Church, we believe that loneliness is a deep need that Jesus calls us to meet. We are committed to being a church that actively looks out for those who feel isolated or alone in our community. Whether it's through a warm conversation, a helping hand, or simply being present, we strive to embody the love and compassion of Christ.

    Our doors are always open, and our hearts are ready to welcome anyone who may be struggling with loneliness. We understand that everyone needs a place where they feel seen, heard, and valued. At Valley Road Church, you’ll find a family that cares, supports, and walks alongside you.

    If you or someone you know is feeling lonely, we invite you to connect with us. You are not alone—let us be there for you, as Jesus calls us to be.

  • Valley Road Church humbly acknowledges that we reside on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Syilx/Okanagan people. We recognize the deep history and enduring presence of the Indigenous peoples who have stewarded this land for generations.

    As a church, we are committed to learning more about the rich cultural heritage and contributions of the Syilx/Okanagan people. We are continually seeking to educate ourselves, foster relationships, and engage in meaningful dialogue with our friends in the Indigenous community.

    We believe that understanding and respecting the land's history is a vital part of our mission to live out the love and justice of Jesus Christ.

Please email us with any concerns you have regarding inclusion and justice. We are willing to have a conversation and are open to learning more.